Saturday, June 25, 2011


It’s been a month since my Pancreatic Cancer Surgery and it seems so surreal to me at times. Since this time I have been digging into the far recesses of mind of memories. I have found that some have been very wonderful memories while some not so pleasant. So what do I do with these many memories the good and not so good? I cherish each and every one of them like an honor. It is an honor to have to have lived and learned all that I have learned from each, it is through these memories and situations that I have been placed in my life to help me learn and grow from them. As a child I think we all think what a wonderful world we live in until we eventually grow-up and venture out into the world called life. We go to school and make at times so of our very best friends for life, while at other times in school a lot of us have a horrifying time with our peers that effect us for a lifetime, and not in a good way.

As I learned in March that I had Nueroendcrine Plasma Tumor I was shocked to say the least and knew in my heart of hearts that if I wanted to survive I had to have this removed. Some years ago I heard and watched The Last Lecture by Carnegie Mellon University professor Randy Pausch. I like the millions around the world pulled for this wonderful young man to beat the odds of his Pancreatic Cancer, but sadly in the end he had lost his battle but has left a beautiful legacy not only for his family but for the many of people who have the same Pancreatic Cancer they are battling too. I am one of the lucky ones I need no treatment so far just scans and maybe a monthly shot as a preventive measure. But in this journey that I have been traveling I have been blessed with a cousin of mine called “God Shots.” In these shots I have everyday I see things that I have taken for granted and hear things that I have ignored for sometime. I have been truly blessed as I have taken the role of Pancreatic Survivor and not a patient in remission. In closing I look happily to more “God Shots’ for sometime to come.

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